What To Do Before Getting an Asian Massage

An Asian massage allows individuals and couples to reduce muscle tension and stress. At Garden Retreat Spa, we offer a blend of Asian and Swedish massage styles to help you relax. Our masseuses can customize your appointment to meet your relaxation goals and treatment preferences. Here are some tips to help you prepare for your next massage: 

1. Stretch

Take some time to stretch before your appointment to prepare your muscles for an Asian massage. This proactive step helps prevent muscle soreness and may improve your relaxation during the treatment. It also boosts blood flow to the muscles, helping to increase flexibility and prevent injury. Stretching after the massage appointment can also maintain joint and muscle mobility and speed up recovery.

2. Drink Water

Drinking plenty of water during the days leading up to your massage will keep your skin, muscles, and joints hydrated. Hydrated skin and muscles are softer and easier to manipulate and massage. Water also keeps the joints lubricated, enabling smooth movement during a massage. When your body is hydrated, you may be more comfortable during your treatment. Hydration also boosts your recovery, as water removes toxins and waste that may cause muscle soreness.

3. Shower

Taking a shower or bath before your massage session removes oils and dirt from your skin that could be rubbed into your pores during treatment. Avoid applying lotion, perfume, or other skin care products on your skin before your session. At Garden Retreat Spa, our therapists use massage oils and lotions to moisturize the skin and create an aromatic environment. The oils also reduce friction on the skin’s surface, creating a more gentle massage experience. Showering before your session allows these products to absorb into the skin and work as effectively as possible.

4. Wear Comfortable Clothing

Select an outfit that is comfortable and easy to put back on after your massage. At Garden Retreat Spa, we offer clients clean robes and towels they can wear during treatment. While massages are most effective when the therapist works directly with the skin, you can choose to remain partially dressed if it helps you feel more comfortable. A soft, loose outfit extends your relaxation after the massage by preventing muscle and joint restriction. 

5. Set an Intention

Set an intention for what you want to get out of the massage. These intentions can include reducing muscle pain or achieving relaxation. Before your massage, communicate your goals to the therapist. They can customize your treatment to match your intentions and preferences. Try to arrive early to your massage to give yourself time to relax, clear your mind, and revisit your intentions before the treatment begins. 

Schedule an Asian Massage

Garden Retreat Spa offers massage appointments for individuals and couples in New York City. You can book a 30-minute or one-hour session with our team of licensed massage therapists. The ambiance and cleanliness of our facility help you relax fully during your appointment. Contact us today to learn more about our services and schedule your next appointment.